Halloween WOD and Get together!
/On Saturday, October 27th the WOD at CrossFit Subtero are going to be even scarier than normal. To celebrate Halloween we’re inviting you to dress up with us for the 7:00am and 10:30 am classes. Your trainers will be coaching and working out in full costume, and we want all of you to join us and show us your creativity. Your costume can be as simple or elaborate as you want. It can be scary, funny, gory, CrossFit related, or anything else!
After the classes we’ll be hanging around for our own CrossFit Subtero Halloween lunch party and get together. Feel free to bring any food or drinks you’d like. Also, if you can’t make the WOD, then still drop by afterwards and hang out with us. We look forward to seeing you there. You don’t want to miss being a part of the Facebook pictures from this event.