
We offer classes for every level, and each class is capped at 15 people so everyone can get the individual attention they need. All classes are first-come, first-served, so please show up 10-15 minutes early. 


Live Perform Compete(LPC)

This is our flagship hour long group class where you are coached through multiple phases of fitness and recovery. Mobility drills to improve and restore joint mobility and function, skill based warm-ups to prepare the body for the workout, a "Workout of the Day" (WOD) which can be a combination of gymnastics, running, jumping, squatting, kettlebells, Olympic Weightlifting etc, and lastly, post-workout recovery techniques to prepare you for the rest of your day and for fitness.

Train for Life(TFL)

Not your average HIIT class. This is our 60 minute long training program designed to keep you structurally balanced whilst developing strength, endurance, and aerobic capacity. Like all of our programs, the training is designed in 4-8 week training cycles, and each training day has a unique training focus.

Efficient. Effective. For Everyone.

There are no pre-requisites to join this class


Fundamentals 1

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Our Intro CrossFit class. Here, we will teach you our basic squatting movements. You will also learn who we are, and what to expect before deciding to join our box.

Fundamentals 2

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This class will teach you basin shoulder pressing movements. 

Fundamentals 3

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Your first introduction to barbell olympic style lifting. Don't get intimidated because we don't expect you to master the lift in one session. This class is here to teach you the basics in Olympic lifting.